Frickley Hall, Frickley Estate, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN5 7BU
Please do not allow your sat nav to take you through Barnsley itself. Try to approach the event from the A1 only.
The horse trials are easily accessible being 5 miles west of the A1. Please leave the A1 at the A638 exit. The Frickley Estate is adjacent to the village of Clayton, centrally located between Doncaster, Barnsley and Pontefract.
Unless you live locally, it is strongly recommended that all visitors approach the event off the A1. Please leave the A1 at the A638 exit.
The event will be well signed posted after exiting from the A1 (it will not be signposted on the A1 itself). Proceed through the village of Hooton Pagnell, turning down the hill in the village towards Clayton. The entrance to the estate is located on your right hand side approximately 500 yards after leaving Hooton Pagnell, just as the road bends to the left. Proceed along the main estate drive and under the disused railway arch (please use the passing places provided). A one way system is in operation. All parking is on the right near the Hall, including separate locations for lorry parking and visitor parking.
- Organisers – Vanessa Fleming & William Buck
- Volunteers – [email protected]
- Entries Secretary – Mrs Sue Thompson [email protected]
- Events Secretary- Rachel Akroyd [email protected]
- Purchase Stabling/ Hook Up – [email protected]